About the Choibo
Also known as the Magdalena spider monkey, black monkey, brown spider monkey, and Ateles hybridus. marimonda del Magdalena, mono negro, mono araña café y Ateles hybridus.
Distribution in Colombia
In Colombia, Choibos are currently found in the forests of the Middle Magdalena and along the border with Venezuela.
Their habitat has drastically decreased over the years. Deforestation, hunting, and illegal trafficking have classified them as Critically Endangered by the IUCN.

Why care for them?
Los Choibos tienen un papel crucial en el ecosistema como dispersores de semillasChoibos play a crucial role in the ecosystem as seed dispersers. Their diet, primarily composed of fruits, includes a wide variety of plant species. By consuming and dispersing seeds, they contribute to forest regeneration and the genetic diversity of plants. Additionally, they are an umbrella species, indicating a healthy forest ecosystem through their presence. especie sombrilla, lo que significa que su presencia indica un ecosistema forestal saludable.

How can we care for them?
Caring for them requires a joint effort from governments, non-governmental organizations, and local communities. Some important measures include:
- Protecting and restoring their habitats.
- Combating poaching.
- Supporting research.
- Involving local communities.

What do they look like?
Choibos are among the largest primates in Central and South America. They have distinctive long, slender arms, a triangular white patch of hair on their foreheads, and a prehensile tail to move through trees. They have 4 fingers on each hand, lacking a thumb. They typically measure between 45 and 50 cm in height, with tails measuring between 74 and 81 cm. They can weigh between 7.5 and 10.5 kg.

How do they live?
They live in groups of 4 to 6 Choibos, but sometimes they come together to form large groups of up to 30. Their social structure is similar to humans'. Normally, all members of each group are related to each other.
Males tend to spend more time together; it's rare for males within the same group to fight each other. However, interactions between different groups are quite hostile, with males defending their territories and attacking others to expand.
They communicate through vocalizations that include long-distance calls, alarm calls, and play calls, among others.

What do they eat?
Their diet consists of fruits, leaves, and flowers, and sometimes even wood. They play a vital role as forest regenerators by dispersing fruit seeds.